The Parish Week
Saturday June 10th 1200 – St Edward’s
Mass of the anointing for the sick.
Sunday June 11th – St Edward’s + St Mark’s
Displays after both morning Masses of our parish groups and organizations- you may wish to join.
Monday June 12th 1800 – St Edward’s
St Edwards First School gathering with year 4 (top year) to celebrate
being ambassadors for the school and parish.
Thursday June 15th 1930 – St Mark’s
Bishop Crispian comes to give a talk on: The Joy of the Gospel – Pope Francis’ vision for the Church.
Friday June 16th – St Edward’s
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10am – 12 Midnight
Saturday June 17th – St Edward’s
1800 Celebration Mass with Confirmation Candidates led by the youth group.
1900 Parish supper for the whole parish.
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