HCPT Group 128
HCPT is a Catholic charity offering pilgrimage holidays, to Lourdes in the south of France, for disabled and disadvantaged people from around the UK and further afield. Every Easter over 1,000 disabled and disadvantaged children enjoy a week in Lourdes, staying in hotels with their volunteer helpers.
Group 128 is based in St Edward’s Parish. They have been travelling for a few years now and hope to continue to travel to Lourdes every two years. Volunteer helpers come from different backgrounds- teachers, nurses and other occupations. The group takes special children from the parish and parish schools as well as the wider area. If you are interested in finding out more please contact the Group leader Mrs Pat Burke at the Parish Office.

HCPT Christmas Fair

Sunday 11th Dec 12:00 -14:00 in the Parish Centre. More details to follow. Can you help please? We are looking for people to help run stalls and donations of prizes for the adult and children’s tombola. Please contact Pat Burke or email group128@hcpt.org.uk.  Donations can also be left at the Parish office. Thank you.